Let’s figure out what you really want

Here’s a question that may sound simple: Do you know what you want?

It’s an important question, but many women consider it in a superficial way.

Knowing what you truly want matters

In the midst of a busy life, it’s rare to take time to ask yourself what you deeply desire.

In the moment, you may want space to think, or to feel calm. You may want something yummy to eat, or feel the desire to connect to someone you miss.

Those desires are meaningful and always worth honoring.

It’s the the desires in your heart that lie deeper — those about which you have awareness and those that may be buried and need to be mined for — that many of us rarely explore.

Those deep desires are the key to creating a future that will be truly fulfilling.

You can learn to explore your deep desires

My life was on autopilot for decades. I had no idea there was another way to live. I took each day as it came, put out fires that flared, made the best decisions I could, and kept going.

It was not until I started working with a brilliant coach that I began making shifts — small at first — that opened up a world of new insight and new ways of being.

I learned to slow down, to tap my heart and listen to my intuition. I was asked great questions I hadn’t ever considered. Answering those questions lead to tremendous new awareness.

Everything I have learned, including my formal training, informs the work I now do with other accomplished women who are at a crossroads, in a transition, or are figuring out what's next.

And it’s a joy to share my approaches with great women.

Here are 3 ways to start finding your answers

1. You can begin slowly and take steady action

If you like to start with small steps, I invite you to order a copy of my book, Live Big: A Manifesto for a Creative Life. It’s full of wonderful small practices you can use each day to bring meaningful shifts into your life. (And the book is so lovely that you will want to pick it up often!)

2. Say “Yes” to a workshop experience

I developed a my Dream Big Vision-Board Workshop to help women go deep into their hearts and find their desires and truth — and capture it all visually, so they can stay committed to what they want in their lives.

I led the workshop this past weekend (see the photo below of the amazing boards that were made!) and I am exploring a date to offer the workshop again.

Sign up for my emails to get announcements, and reach out if you want to plan a special workshop for your team or group.

3. Explore what a breakthrough can look like for you

Check out my signature program Live Big Live! The spring retreat is launching soon, so this opportunity may be perfectly timed for you. (And, there are other coaching options, too.)

You can read what many remarkable women have said about their coaching experiences and outcomes, and see what resonates for you.

Self-awareness makes everything possible

All of the suggestions I included above are paths to personal insight that will set the stage for you to gain clarity and experience significant personal growth.

I would love to hear about the future you yearn to create.

And I would be delighted to provide you with new perspectives and insight, to help you gain some self-awareness right away.

Email me, or book a call here.

I look forward to our conversation!

Here are the beautiful, exciting vision boards each woman made at the workshop on Saturday. Each board shines with the clarity that was revealed in our time together!

How to play your way to a more fulfilling life

You, like most women I talk to and work with, may be focused on all you want to accomplish, and sometimes struggle to slow down and make space for yourself.

Paradoxically, you may also feel sluggish or stuck from time to time.

Some women express it as being in a funk, or feeling drained. 

They want to feel energized and upbeat, but that energy sometimes feels out of reach.

Play is a great way to ignite your spirit

When you feel low and cannot think of ways to shift into a positive, energized frame of mind, choosing to play works wonders!

And, playing sometimes sounds a bit odd to serious professionals.

I invite to you consider play with deeper insight.

Play is more beneficial than you may know

As adults, playing can sometimes feel complicated, and unimportant.

Consider that studies show that play releases endorphins (hormones in the brain and nervous system that make us feel happy). Play also helps our brains function better, reduces stress, and stimulates creativity. It even boosts physical health.

Try some (or many) of these fun ideas

Do you love collecting?

Whether you love to roam through antique markets, take walks on the beach in search of shells or driftwood, or search online for special items, set aside time, dive in, and enjoy!

Maybe games appeal to you.

Board games, competitive sports, or other types of games, excite lots of people. Rather than being a spectator, dive in! And playing these games with other people can add to the pleasure you’ll experience.

Maybe you like more solitary fun.

Choose a great jigsaw puzzle, word puzzles, or number puzzles and settle in to enjoy them.

Does exploring excite you?

You can get lost on purpose on a return trip from a meeting or errands and see what you discover. Or go to a place nearby that has intrigued you and explore in those surroundings.

You can create in so many ways!

Play with color and materials! Whether you enjoy drawing; using bright colored paints, pencils or markers; molding clay or throwing vessels on a potter’s wheel; sewing and other handwork; or building things, doing something creative and expressive is a great way to bring the spirit of play into your day!

There are endless possibilities for play. Maybe you have favorites I did not mention that you want to do more of, or are curious to try. 

Consider recruiting kids, friends, extended family, or coworkers to join the fun. The shared energy, laughter and mutual support will bring even more delight to your spirit!

What do you want more of?

Play fuels your life with positive energy, opening the way for you to connect to what really matters most for you, so you can pursue those things — even in the midst of a busy life.

It’s a game-changer to live your life with clarity about what you desire. 

And it’s a game-changer to live with a heart that is lit up.

This is how you create the life you want, day by day. It’s what I call living big!

My signature program, Live Big Live!, that was formed by my path to creating the life I desired, has helped great women like you to move past what has limited them so that they now live bigger, more confident and fulfilling lives. 

I would be happy to share the details about Live Big Live! (that will soon kick off for the spring) to see if it might take you to new heights.

Email me, or book a call here. I look forward to our conversation!

If you’re a hard worker, this is for you

The accomplished women (and men) I speak to nearly always believe they need to work hard.

They believe they must push themselves relentlessly to achieve their goals, to meet the expectations of others (and themselves, too, in many cases), to achieve status, authority and recognition.

Our culture, and the work cultures in which many of us find ourselves, emphasize, celebrate and even glorify hard work.

For most of my life, I believed I needed to work hard — and I did. I also believed that things had to be hard to do.

Doing things that were “hard” seemed to ensure the outcome would be meaningful. Doing those “hard” things also made me feel that I was good enough.

It’s time to bust the myth

I am on a mission to help people everywhere to live big — to live their best lives, to take action with clear intention, to bring all of their greatness forward, and do it without sacrificing their physical wellbeing, their energy or their spirits.

If you want to create a truly fulfilling life where you fully shine, and do it without sacrifice, a great place to focus is on shifting your thinking about how hard it all has to be.

It took me decades to come to new, clear insights, after testing and living and working in new ways.

My hope is that we can all shift away from believing the myth about things needing to be hard.

“It has to be hard” or “It can be easy”?


I smirked at the ideas that things could be easy!

I not only believed I had to work hard, I believed that most of my important tasks were going to be hard to see through to completion.

When the time frames were tight, or the tasks were daunting, or the scope was intimidating, I told myself how hard it was going to be.

I gritted my teeth and pushed myself.

And, sure enough, it nearly always felt hard. I exhausted myself with all of that pushing.


I have tested and experienced and benefited from major re-frames to my old habituated thinking.

I have also learned to give myself some grace, and slow down.

My first coach insisted that if I slowed down I would get more done, which I resisted for a very long time. And, when I finally tested it, I found that he was right!

This is the new approach I have learned to use.

  • I am selective and clear about the tasks that really matter, and let go of, defer, or delegate the rest.

  • I think carefully about the deadlines I create and commit to.

  • With fewer things to do I am focused rather than feeling splattered.

  • No matter how challenging a project appears to be, if I find myself thinking "It’s going to be hard," I consciously change the message in my head to, “What if it can be easy?”

  • I also tell myself, “There’s an abundance of time to do this.”

  • And, I make sure I am well rested as I start on the work. This helps me to be focused and clear.

I honor myself with these new practices.

I savor the opportunity to choose what I will do with care. (Yes, that means saying “no” to many things that sound enticing, which takes practice.)

When I do not push, I experience far less stress and do not exhaust myself. I enjoy more energy and I nurture my spirit when I live and work this way.

And the cherry on top is that I am able to get better work done — on time, and often in less time.

All of these results have been life-changing for me.

New practices take time to build

If you read my post from last week, about slowing down, you know that making changes like these is not a one-and-done effort.

I sometimes slide back and need to return to the fundamentals. I get focused and reinforce good practices in order to build stronger habits, time and again. This is true for most people.

It’s when when we build awareness, try and test, and keep returning to new and better ways of thinking and living, that we experience true growth — as well as more ease and joy.

My wonderful coaches, mentors and teachers, past and present, have imparted their wisdom, support and love to help me learn and expand in tremendous ways. I am filled with gratitude for all of them.

I am also grateful for the wonderful support I receive from the people doing the work alongside me, in a fabulous mastermind I am part of.

And I am inspired by the courageous work my clients are doing in their lives, and honored to support them to step into all of their greatness.

What about you?

I invite you to step up and engage in new ways of thinking and try new practices that can help you to live your most fulfilling life.

See if you find that the ideas I share today have impact for you.

And if you want to talk about what your challenges are and the dreams you have for the future, I'd be happy to hear about them. I set aside time each week for a few conversations like this. (And if you are curious, you can ask what support can look like in your life.)

Email me and we’ll make a date.

What can happen when you slow down and make a small change

Last week I had the pleasure and honor of being the closing keynote speaker at a conference in Virginia. This was only the second time I’ve spoken in-person to a large audience since the start of the pandemic, and the energy of being with people was terrific.

This audience, like most I speak to, was filled with senior professionals who lead busy lives. They have tremendous responsibilities to lead their organizations and face an array of challenges each day.

My message was focused on how they can lead their biggest, best lives — to bring all of their greatness into the world — and do it without sacrificing their wellbeing.

The first thing I focused on was slowing down.

I talked about being more, instead of so much frantic doing. I urged them to give themselves space and grace. I advocated for focusing on what they each need more of in their lives to feel and be their best.

We are not machines

Many of us are so accustomed to living at a hectic pace that we fail to realize the consequences of the daily grind on our physical wellbeing, our energy and our spirits — all of which are precious, and none of which is in endless supply.

Even machines, with on- and off-switches, need power to run smoothly and regular maintenance, too.

Many of us treat ourselves like machines, without regard for the fuel we need, our routine maintenance requirements, or considering how long we can be “on” before we wear out our gears.

What can be done

We can each pause to consider what changes — even small changes — will improve our daily wellbeing.

It’s time to honor ourselves and ask the question, “What do I need more of to nurture my spirit and honor my body?”

Maybe you will realize you are skimping on sleep. Or not eating as well as you want to, so you have ample time to savor and digest healthy meals. Or you may crave more time for quiet in your life. Or there may be a special interest you enjoy, or a relationship you want to nurture, but you have not created space to make it a focus.

When you start by identifying what will nurture your spirit and honor your body, and then choose one thing to consciously introduce to make it happen, you are sure to experience an improvement in your daily wellbeing.

The changes I am making now

Having been in “high gear” for too long, I am clear that this is the time for me to slow down. (This is a lesson I return to time and again!)

I am focused on thinking about what I am saying, “Yes” to. I leave more “white space” in my calendar.

I am using my own tips for “multiplying time” that I share in my keynotes, and I am setting clear boundaries (another point I teach and that I continue to bring into my own life with renewed awareness).

Having implemented a few small changes, I am glad to say I created space to spend a few hours in my studio this past weekend.

Painting is something I truly love, and have often sacrificed when I have allowed myself to be over-scheduled. I meet myself in a special way when I paint, and I was reminded of the lovely “spillover” effects it has on my happiness and wellbeing.

What are you ready to change?

The power of making just one or two small changes can be remarkable.

What can you identify today, that will be easy to implement right away?

Will you commit to taking a daily walk to breathe fresh air for 15 minutes?

Will you say, “No,” to someone who asks you to help out with something that will exhaust you, and do it with grace and kindness?

Will you get to bed a little earlier so you can wake up more refreshed tomorrow morning — and every morning?

I invite you to choose at least one small change to bring into your life today, that will support you to feel and be your best.

Ask better questions to find your best answers

I am often in conversations when the person with whom I am speaking is feeling stressed, confused, unsure, or overwhelmed.

Often, as they are consumed about resolving a challenge, I see that their focus is misplaced.

They are often looking for an answer to a question that starts with,
“How can I…?”

This question rarely leads to the insights and solutions they are eager to find.

“How can I…” is often followed by something like:

“…enroll more people in a program I love leading and want to expand?”
“…make a change in my overwhelming work that will continue to provide ample income?”
“…be more productive — because there is so much daily pressure at work and at home?”

When people share the way they are thinking, I observe that they are often getting tangled in negative and confusing thoughts, as they bypass an exploration of the essence of the issue.

Finding that clarity is what calms the mind and leads them to their best answers.

Ask better questions to bypass doubt and find your path forward

The benefit of starting with a different set of questions is that you can more clearly — and more hopefully — find a path that is fruitful.

There is no one “best” or ”right” question to ask.

These examples may be helpful illustrations for you to consider, when you are feeling called to find a good approach to resolve something that's on your mind.


Story #1
A woman wants to fill more seats for a program she loves to lead

When we started to talk she was focused on how to market better.

Maybe post more on social media? What platforms? Send more emails?

As she proposed these ideas, she was sad and doubtful. She questioned whether there were enough people who would want to enroll. She knew she was not pricing the program high enough, but she feared raising the fee.

Her energy was dragged down by scarcity, fear, doubt and deep sadness.

I asked her about the clients she had enrolled in the past. Who were they? What had attracted them to enroll in her work? And — most important — what were the outcomes for them?

I asked for stories. And out they poured! She described powerful, exciting, life-changing outcomes.

And as we looked closely at the stories she saw common threads — dots that she had never connected before.

By the end of our conversation she was excited to have clarity about how she will write about her program, and to whom she will direct her messages.

Now marketing feels exciting, because she has embraced the value of what she is inviting people to explore when they work with her.

Most of all, she is starting to believe that this can grow to be her primary professional focus, which she has been longing for.


Story #2
A woman wants to revamp a thriving business that is personally unsustainable

When we started to talk, she felt overwhelmed by the current challenges and how to move past them. There are physical health risks to continuing to run the business she has built, and it is also taking an emotional toll.

Maybe scale back her team and overhead? Bring in more contractors? How would she manage all of that? What would the consequences be if she made some or all of those changes?

Or, maybe switch gears in a bigger way? To doing what? And how could she do that and sustain her financial well-being?

As these questions poured out, I saw and felt palpable stress and fear.

I asked her to tell me what she loved most about the work now — the kinds of clients, the kinds of engagements. What lit her up? And what brought her energy and well-being down? I also asked who on her team supported her to come up with great day-to-day approaches and deliver the best experience for her clients. Could that person's role expand or be adjusted?

As we explored the answers that showed up, I saw excitement about several great options that could be pursued. We talked about meaningful ways to expand the inquiry — bringing curiosity and an open mind as she moves ahead.


Story #3
A woman who yearns to be more productive

When we started to talk, she described being swamped and could not see how to do less. Her business is thriving and feels like an engine that is driving her. How could she do less? How could she also manage the demands of an aging parent at home along with other family responsibilities?

She tried delegating and doing things to be more healthy, but they were not enough. How could she turn things around?

I asked her to describe how it felt to delegate tasks — at the office and at home. It turns out that was a tough thing for her to do. She felt she did things best herself. She felt responsible for doing many tasks, and doing them they way everyone expected her to do them (for example, cook a fresh meal for her family every night, after a long exhausting work day).

I asked her to describe what it would feel like to have more time for herself. It turns out that having time for herself was such a distant memory she could not envision doing less. And she admitted to not feeling worthy of having more time for herself. She was also concerned about the judgements of others if they might see her as “slacking off.”

When we got to the emotional heart of these questions, she was able to breathe deeply and clearly see the ways her mindset and beliefs (including demands and expectations she held for herself) were the place to begin.

Specific changes became easy to implement once she felt supported to adopt the belief that she deserves to have space to nurture her wellbeing.

Consider the questions you ask yourself

Are your questions shedding light on the factors that will lead you to the most revelatory insights?

Consider asking questions that will give you both meaningful information and positive energy from which you can continue to move forward.

All of the women in the stories above are now on a path to deriving more joy and satisfaction in their lives and work.

What questions can you ask yourself that will lead to the joy and satisfaction you desire?

Are you committed to living your best life?

Last week I spent a day in deep thought about the way I lived in the past year, and considering how I intend to live in the coming year.

Yom Kippur (the second of the Jewish high holy days) is a sober day, but it is also one that always inspires me to consider what I am committing to now.

It’s relatively easy to devote one day to such thoughts and the commitments they entail (even while a day of fasting is challenging and tiring).

But what will all of those thoughts become a week from now?

What about six months from now, and a year from now?

The reality we create reflects our commitments

How will I look back and assess the year when October 2023 rolls around?

This is a truly sobering question.

It requires that I focus on changes to make.

It means clearly choosing paths, as I commit to staying on some I’ve been on, moving away from others, and seeking new directions.

It means considering how I want to show up in my life.

What ways of acting and thinking will I aim to sustain, and what do I feel called to change?

What do I feel excited to create?

The life I reflect back on a year from now will demonstrate my commitment to the actions required to make my intentions a reality.

Commitment = action and sustained dedication

I do not make commitments lightly. I know that they require meaningful, sustained effort.

Making a commitment means not only deciding what I intend to do, but actually taking action — and continuing to take consistent action.

For example, if I commit to developing a new habit, I need to practice it. I can start with introducing small changes. And I know the key is to stick with them and expand on them until the desired state becomes my new normal.

Some habits can shift quickly. I am also aware that many habit changes require longer commitment, and a willingness to resume the focus when the inevitable setbacks interrupt progress.

Another example is choosing how to focus my time and attention. I am considering some activities to let go of — to make space for things I have neglected, or for things I’ve thought about but never started, or for new things that intrigue me now.

By clearly choosing and committing, and staying mindfully in action, I know I can make progress.

It may not be “perfect” every step of the way, and that’s ok.

I will get help when needed. I have tools to turn to when I am unsure of my next steps or veer off-course and need to recommit. I know I can always create new ways forward.

The vision I set will support me to stay on track.

What changes do you want to make?

What changes will make a difference in your wellbeing — physical, emotional, and spiritual?

What do you want to change to make a relationship stronger?

What do you want to start that is calling you? (And will you stop doing something to make space for it?)

In what ways do you yearn to expand — to show up in a bigger way, more authentically, less fearfully, and with more love?

What are you called to do or create that will make the world better? Are there actions you want to take in support of issues that deeply matter to you?

Do not underestimate your ability to impact the world.

When we all show up as our best selves, and commit to taking consistent, courageous action that is aligned with our values and our hearts, our efforts have ripple effect that are world-changing, even as they are life-changing for us.

Got momentum?

Sometimes things feel like they are flowing easily (maybe even effortlessly). Maybe you are experiencing delightful flow in your life, or as you work on a project, or as you generate new ideas.

And starting or advancing some things may feel sluggish, or you may feel stuck. Frustration, doubt and even fear can show up, which only leads to more difficulty when you want to move ahead.

The key to getting into flow — and sustaining flow — is momentum.

The magic of momentum

Before we look at how amazing momentum can be in your life, let’s get clear about what it really is.

Understanding momentum

I don’t know about my readers who are scientists and more left-brained than I am, but I expect I’m not alone in recollecting that high school physics was not a favorite subject.

Yet physics has a lot to offer us outside the lab, and momentum is a great and useful concept that can support us to live our best lives.

Momentum is defined as the amount of motion occurring in something that is moving, or the force that drives something forward to keep it moving.

While you can think about how quickly a car moves down a hill (which is likely to have been discussed in your physics classes), consider the concept of momentum in terms of the energy you bring to everything you do.

Who does not want to have more momentum to make things move forward with ease?

My guess is that we all want momentum, and lots of it.

How to build momentum — whether you feel stuck or sluggish

When you yearn for flow, the key to getting momentum underway is to be in motion.

Getting back to my memories of physics class: If there is no velocity there can not be momentum.

Now this is where things get subtle. Velocity means rapid motion, speed. And that's a great thing to aim for.

But to get from not being in motion (stuck) to building momentum, you need to begin moving.

And for those times when you are in motion but feel like you are far from flow, you want to be able to get more movement underway to build momentum.

How? Inspiration can give you the boost you desire.

How to get inspired

To generate inspiration when you want to get started or ward off sluggishness — whether you want to create new habits for a life that is not overwrought; or want to enhance your health by eating more fresh foods and getting more active; or you want to launch a new initiative in your work — ask yourself why this matters to you.

Having a strong WHY is a key way to get and stay inspired.

To get clear about your WHY, do some writing about it. Dig into all the reasons this thing matters to you. Make a list of what you bring to light, and keep that list handy for times when you need a boost to sustain your inspiration.

And then take action.

Whether you start with small steps (which is fine!) or you choose to take some bigger action steps at first, you’ll begin to be in motion or accelerate the pace you had before!

How to keep momentum growing

Hooray! You are in action. Or you have propelled yourself into feeling more energized, inspired and taking more action.

Getting into motion is crucial, but it’s easy to slack off without some strategies to help you.

This is the time to build velocity, so your momentum can not only be sustained, but grow for the duration of the project at hand.

Here are some things to keep in mind that will help you:

  1. Stay focused and positive.
    Keep your attention on what you are aiming for and why it is important to you. Surround yourself with positive people. Don’t get discouraged when you hit a snag (after all, setbacks are inevitable). Positive energy helps you build and sustain momentum!

  2. Be flexible.
    As you review your progress, be open to new approaches, new ideas, and make smart adjustments to the original plan you had in mind. Consider inviting others to help and support you, too. Maybe you will ask someone to be an accountability partner.

  3. Celebrate yourself.
    Take note of each small success and acknowledge yourself for staying committed and building momentum. This practice goes a long way to keeping you moving ahead.

The more momentum you build the better everything gets

Positive energy you bring to one thing is certain to spread more generally. That’s how building momentum in one area of your life will impact all of your life.

The potential to build momentum is available to all of us, and is truly exciting.

Where can you focus on building momentum today?

Start where you are now and see what happens.

How choosy are you?

Have you given thought to the people with whom you spend time? Do they add light to your life, or do they bring negativity?

While some of the people in your life do not reflect choices you’ve made, and are not changeable, many of the people in your orbit are there because you chose to include them.

Why it’s important to choose with care

When you are thoughtful about the people with whom you engage, you can surround yourself with those who bring qualities into your life that you desire and value.

People who have a positive outlook, who are kind, who inspire you, who are collaborative, who are generous, whose humor delights you, impact your life in great ways.

If you pause and realize there are people in your life that drain you, you have an opportunity to make new choices.

The cost of tolerating people who add stress

Maybe you are aware of people who drain your energy, that you have been tolerating — for any number of reasons.

The toll that takes can be obvious, or (as is often the case) can be easy to miss. 

When you tolerate being in the company of people who are a drag on your energy, small annoyances and irritations often seem normal. While it’s easy to get used to them when you frequently “swim in those waters,” the ongoing irritation diminishes your wellbeing.

And in some cases, you may be well aware of people whose behaviors and energy pull your energy down.

With awareness you can set new standards and create distance from those people. 

How to create distance when you need to

Many of us find ourselves wanting to make a change, but the thought of making the change can feel daunting.

When you have clarity about your standards and have made new decisions about people with whom you want to have less contact, or no contact, consider these two approaches:

1. Create new boundaries 

If you cannot end your relationship with someone, you can decide to set terms and conditions that will better serve you.

For instance, you can shift from daily texts to a weekly check-in.

Another approach that’s available to you is to make it clear that you’ll be happy to communicate if you both can agree to use language and tone that are respectful. (This can be an add-on to planning for less frequent contact.)

2. Phase out the relationship

When there is a person who drains you, and with whom you have no obligation to stay in contact, you can take steps to end the relationship. And you can do it with kindness.

Whether you choose to gradually phase out the connection, or end it in one step, plan for a conversation in which you communicate with clarity. Focus on the importance of this decision to you, and how you want to show up in the conversation.

There will be a temptation to apologize and be defensive. Instead, I invite you to calmly share that you now have new commitments, or some other change of circumstances, and that you will be in less frequent contact/will not continue the relationship.

Do not make accusations. And remember that you do not need to explain yourself. These are common traps to avoid. You are communicating a decision you are making for yourself.

Naturally, depending on the duration and nature of the connection with the person, you may modify these sound, proven approaches.

Bear in mind that your highest priority is to ensure your wellbeing.

New opportunities will open up

When you minimize or remove people who are a drag on your wellbeing, and surround yourself with people who lift you up, you will notice that you feel lighter and more inspired. And you are likely to feel happier.

In fact, you may feel a palpable sense of positive energy, to both share and nurture, the more that you spend time with people who light you up. 

You will be seen by them in your highest light and you will have their support. In turn, you will see all that’s possible for them and relish supporting them.

And when you and the people you choose to connect with are focused together on your journeys, you and they realize great outcomes faster.

In this way, “all boats rise” higher, and with more ease. 

The outcomes can be life-changing

I witness this powerful phenomenon frequently. 

I am surrounded by fantastic colleagues in a master-mind program that offers me these experiences. It is so exciting to receive this kind of support and to provide it.

And I witness it in the women I coach. 

The power of a wonderful group to be in the work together, inspiring one another, celebrating each other, holding each other in the highest light, and being there for others when someone hits a set-back, is incredibly special.

In fact, last week, one woman in my coaching program shared that when having to speak to the media in a moment of tremendous stress and pressure, she found herself calm and able to stay the course in a way that she had not been able to do in the past. She said how much she appreciated being in the work alongside the others, and that watching other great women navigate difficult things had helped her enormously. 

I invite you to carefully choose the people with whom to engage. You deserve to be loved and fully supported.

Live Big Live! is back — is it right for you?

I am frequently in conversation with accomplished women — women who are admired, have done great things, and often seem to have it all going for them.

When they share their biggest wish with me, it's to make the next part of their lives truly fulfilling.

They often describe themselves as living life in overdrive. Many feel unclear, stuck, or question themselves about what's possible for their future.

Whether they are at a crossroads, thinking about what is next, or know there is something more that’s possible for them — related to their professional direction, their personal life, or a combination — many know it’s time for this tension to be addressed.

They want to get on track, take action that is intentional, and move forward in their lives with confidence and enthusiasm — to be able to plug a great destination into their GPS.

As we can all agree, every new thing needs to be created. So to achieve our goals, each of us needs to focus on what we need to create to get the fulfillment we yearn for.

It’s easy to feel alone with our questions

Have you heard the phrase, “You can’t read the label when you are inside the jar”?

It is a great catchphrase to express how hard it is to identify, much less solve, your own problems because you are so very close to them.

Yet asking for help does not come easily for many accomplished women. (Years back, I was a textbook example of that resistance!)

What I know is that when we struggle on our own, we prolong dissatisfaction, frustration and stress.

It does not have to be that way.

What if you chose to be supported?

Rather than spinning your wheels you can choose to be guided and receive support to create your path toward fulfillment and start moving along it.

You can not only be guided, you can also travel with a small group of other amazing women, each there for her own growth and eager to support the other women in the cohort.

This is what that loving support looks like.

Live Big Live! is designed for big results

I carefully designed the Live Big Live! program to guide you to clarity, to help you set clear intentions, and to start creating the fulfilled life you dream of.

And it is designed to bring dynamic results to your life in a short time.

Live Big Live! is a proven program

Offered just 3 times each year, 6 groups of women have already moved through the Live Big Live! program and the outcomes have been remarkable.

The women gave themselves the gift of focused time to bring their true desires and concerns into the light, and to envision the futures they wanted.

They were guided to tap the clarity inside them with subtly powerful tools, in an inspiring process that unfolded organically.

They gathered at a retreat for 3 incredible days of exploration, discovery and creation.

And, each completed the program with a concrete plan to live into the vision for the future that she shaped.

(We have all experienced the high of feeling inspired and then having it quickly fizzle out when real life takes over. Live Big Live! is designed to have lasting impact.)

Each Live Big Live! participant has reported deep, meaningful, lasting change in her life. The women have amazed themselves at all they have created, and are delighted about the fulfillment they are experiencing.

I invite you to learn more and explore this opportunity

The Fall Live Big Live! program launches soon.

Some past participants are returning, and there is space for 6 new women to join us. We are excited to engage in this experience with the fresh energy that new people will bring!

Whether you are unsure of your next big step, or have a direction in mind and do not know how to start moving toward it, or you have been trying to move ahead and not progressing as you wish, Live Big Live! is meant for you.

And, it has to be the right fit for both of us. We can discover that in a conversation.

If you are ready for more insight, ready to free your spirit and expand the joy in your life, and ready to learn how to open the creative power that is waiting inside you so you learn to find your answers and take clear action, I invite you to schedule a call with me soon.

There’s no obligation — just an opportunity for you to share what’s going on in your life, and for me to share insights and perspectives that may help you.

Whether or not Live Big Live! turns out to be a fit for both of us, we will have a great conversation.

My wish is to help you set your GPS to a truly fulfilling destination, and to move along your path with joy.

Here’s how to schedule our call:


3 easy ways to create more space in your life

I have been writing a new talk for weeks, that I presented for the first time last Tuesday. It was wonderful to share something new with the attendees of Lexington Wealth Management’s Empower Women series.

The title of my latest talk is: Live Big Without Sacrifice

As I have observed the lives of women (and men) around me, have heard from my clients, have reflected on the culture that surrounds us all, and focused on my own life, it is clear how many of us sacrifice our physical and mental wellbeing each day. The degree of sacrifice varies, but those sacrifices take a toll.

Now this is a big topic, and my talk offers major themes that may not be top-of-mind for most. But I want to share a fundamental truth (one that you may be familiar with if you have read my book) that I hope will help you today.

We need to create more time to simply BE

When we make space to BE more, we not only rest and care for ourselves, we are able to consider what really matters to us.

This space allows us to get clear about what we want to DO, and gain more insight into how we want to do those things.

As I say in my book, Live Big, we are human beings, but most of us spend most of our time doing. I invite you to focus on BEING before DOING.

And all of the ways of being that we choose to make our focus will create a foundation for the quality of our lives.

Let’s consider the most basic matter:

How to create space for more BEING

As I write today, I am away, with time to rest and reflect after a busy start of the year. Vacations are great — but they are not the answer.

The challenge (and imperative) is to focus on how to BE more in the midst of a busy life.

I invite you to explore these 3 ideas:

1. Commit to a morning practice

The form and duration of your morning practice is a personal choice.

It may include stretching or yoga, going for a run, or some other exercise. It may include journaling. It may include meditation. It may be structured so there is no screen time or listening to news before you get outside and breath fresh air.

One part of my daily practice is to pull a card from an oracle deck and use that as a prompt for journaling, reflecting, and setting intentions for my day.

If the idea of a morning practice is new to you, why not experiment and find what you like best?

2. Schedule breaks in your day

How many times have you plowed through your day, grabbed lunch on the go, and barely had time to think of anything other than the pressing items on your to-do list?

This a sure path to burnout! Why not make one or more of these ideas a regular part of each day?

  • Take a “sacred pause.” Simply find a quiet place, set your clock for 2 minutes, close your eyes, and breathe quietly. (That’s it!)

  • Make time to digest a healthy meal and bring your attention to the present. Chew your food slowly, savor the flavors and textures. You might sit in stillness or share a pleasant conversation.

  • Chose to sit and do nothing! It could be to sit on a bench where you can watch people go by. Maybe you will look out a window at the sky or vista. Any form of doing nothing — for 5 or 10 minutes (or longer) will make a big difference in your wellbeing.

  • Do a little moving. Walk around the block. Use the stairs instead of taking an escalator. Stand and stretch out your achy muscles after sitting in a meeting or being stuck at your desk. Your body will thank you!

3. Seek out inspiration and delight

This idea is the icing on the cake — and might be combined with things you choose in the two categories above, or something you do in another way.

When you look for wonder in your midst, or seek out beauty with intention, you light up your spirit and open your heart.

You might take a mid-day walk and use the camera on your phone to capture moments of natural beauty, or snap a photo of a curious color combination or an interesting light pattern. Or, look around you indoors and see where there are moments of delight you can savor.

You might schedule a date with yourself or a friend to visit a gallery, or go into a lovely shop you spotted as you drove past.

Any form of inspiration will bring positive energy into your life.

Why not start today?

I hope you will join me and commit to regularly giving yourself the space and grace to BE more — especially in the midst of a life that feels busy.

Small practices that create more space for you can have a surprisingly big impact.

Please share what you try and what you experience. Let’s stay inspired together!

Stay safe and well, and create your life with joy.

Looking for fresh inspiration? Check out these 3 big ideas.

The glory of spring is palpable, and getting most of us excited — excited to be outdoors in warmer temperatures, excited to see colors blooming, excited to begin to see people in person. I enjoyed a wonderful walk with a colleague on Friday afternoon, and look forward to more opportunities to see people, ideally outdoors.

Getting outside is one of many great ways to get inspired. We’ve been cooped up for so long, and while video calls have kept us connected, the chance to be together for real feels great.

How to create inspiration when it goes AWOL

No matter the time of year or the external constraints (the pandemic having been a huge one for the last two years), we all have times when we feel uninspired, or experience a dip in energy and enthusiasm.

When that happens, it can help to have a short cheat-sheet for ways to find a spark.

Here are three great ways to light up your spirits.

These approaches can build enthusiasm for a task at hand, get you excited about taking on a big new project, can help you overcome doubt, and can generally get you feeling more alive and excited.

1. Invite a great conversation

I often say that everything good happens in a conversation. Sure, email is great, and texting has its place, but an actual conversation offers so much more possibility.

And if that conversation happens in person, all the better! (The walk with my colleague on Friday was richer because we spent time together on a circuit around a gorgeous reservoir and had a far-reaching conversation.)

The key is to invite people who think positively, who are curious, maybe funny, and in whose company you feel happy.

2. Look for wonder

I wrote a chapter titled See Wonder, in my book.


Because wonder lights us up. It inspires us and connects us to our hearts. And most of us miss it as we rush through our days.

When we tune in to the wonder that is all around us — beauty in nature; a shadow created by light streaming through a window; the colors, textures and tastes of lovely food, for example — our outlook about everything is buoyed.

We all have a camera on hand! Why not look for wonder and capture that moment with the camera on your phone. You can pause to savor wonder in the moment, and reconnect to the wonder any time as you pursue the photos in your library.

3. Play!

I also wrote a chapter on Play in my book.

And, this topic is still a work-in progress for me. I think it is for many adults.

The more I have learned about play, the more impressed I am about the power that plays has for us. We can all benefit from returning to the power of play that most of us experienced as kids.

When we play things don’t feel so serious. Fear drops away. When we get silly and experiment, we stop worrying about mistakes and are more focused on possibilities. We are in the moment, present and excited.

When we play and feel joy, life feels expansive. We create with ease!

I know that the possibility of letting go to play with abandon can feel risky for some. Maybe you were “good at” play as a kid, and maybe not. At some point nearly all of us were told it was time to get serious, we played less, and we are out of practice.

Why not look for opportunities to bring play into your life, and practice it?

Inspiration fuels creativity

And creativity is the key to making the life you deeply desire a reality.

Life is precious. Each day counts.

When you stay inspired, when you are truly self-aware and focused, when you learn to bring all of your best self into the world and are able to navigate the inevitable challenges (big and small) as they show up, you can create an inspired, fulfilling life.

Many accomplished, thoughtful women want that life, and yet don’t know how to get there, or struggle to do it on their own.

Perhaps some of these thought have occurred to you:

I am ready to stop settling for less than what’s possible.
I feel there is something more I want to explore or do.
I know I am ready to take a bold step in my life, but I don’t know what it is.
I know it's time for me to stop living small.

If thoughts like these feel familiar, and you want to explore what is possible for you, let’s talk.

The Spring 2022 Live Big Live! program is kicking off soon. If you are ready to light up your spirit, get clear about your vision, and create an inspired future with intention, email me and we’ll see if this program is a fit for you.

Stay safe and well, and create your life with joy.

Focus on this energy to help yourself — and the world

I pick a card from a deck of oracle cards each morning. This daily practice, that I started in January, centers and grounds me. I sit down at my desk, a candle lit beside me, and begin to focus my energy and attention around the message I receive. After I write for a while I move into action.

I am often struck by how the card I draw is just what I need on a given day. Some recent examples have been “Breakthrough,” “Action,” “Commitment,” “Playfulness.”

And sometimes, I draw a card that surprises me a bit. When that happens, as it did today, I spend a little more time considering what it is I can learn, or how I can be inspired by the message on the card.

The card I drew today?


And the affirmation stated on the card is:

“The vibration of compassion shines through my every cell!”

The importance of compassion now

One dictionary definition of compassion is:

“sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it”

I do not disagree. And yet I started thinking about this word, and its message for me — and all of us — in a broader way today.

With all that is happening in the world, compassion for those who are suffering is a sensation most of us are feeling, and with which many of us are struggling. We live thousands of miles from many tragic world events, we are in close proximity to the continued suffering caused by COVID, and we feel for countless people everywhere who experience distress of many kinds.

It can feel overwhelming to think about all of the suffering we wish we could alleviate.

And, while it may sound counterintuitive, I know there is a way that we can increase our power to positively impact others.

We need to bring compassion to ourselves first

When we cultivate true compassion for ourselves, we can fully love and unconditionally accept ourselves. With this foundation we can have more impact for others in need.

I write often about ways we can strengthen self-love and how to bring more love into the world. (You may want to check out this article about love and self-love. And this article has 3 quick steps to give your spirits a boost.)

Cherish yourself. Affirm your belief that you are amazing, deserving, capable, powerful and creative. In addition to focusing your thoughts this way, you may want to create a mantra for yourself and repeat it often, to bolster self-love.

Aim to let go of judgement, shame or guilt, if you notice thoughts like that showing up. How? Spot those thoughts and replace them with positive, loving thoughts. (You might repeat your mantra.)

The energy of compassion is stronger than you may think

I deeply believe in the power of love to heal us. When we are filled with self-love, and focused on radiating loving thoughts and actions, we shine more of our light to others — near and far.

What we focus on is what we get.

If you allow fear, bitterness or stress to occupy your thoughts, those will build.

So, consider how you can keep your focus on the positive.

  • Perhaps, if you meditate, you will bring a simple loving mantra into that practice.

  • You might talk about the power of love in conversations with others today

  • If you write in a journal, you may want to focus on love in any of its forms.

The more you activate, and spread, your love and light, the more it grows in you. And the more that energy touches others.

Let’s all leverage positive energy

The energetic field of positive vibration will grow and become more powerful the more we each nurture loving energy, and the more we inspire others to expand loving energy.

By collectively bringing a focus of loving compassion to our lives and the lives of others, we bring fuel to alleviating suffering. Coupled with action, these synergistic forces are powerful.

We can all play our part and sustain this energy.

Let’s do this together. Will you join me?

Stay safe and well, and create your life with joy.

Who doesn't want more good luck?

Do you believe in luck?

Do you have a lucky number (I do), or a lucky piece of clothing you put on when you yearn for a particular outcome? (I am thinking of the sweater my husband wore to every basketball game his college team played, after they beat a major opponent. He was sure it brought them luck.)

Do you envy people who seem to be lucky — they get a big break, or seem to effortlessly land a great job, or appear to lead a charmed life — and wonder if you can do something to increase your luck?

We all love feeling lucky

Luck makes things seem magical and easy. And it’s human nature to want good things to happen with ease.

In my case, a remarkable number of wonderful things in my life have happened on the 13th of a month — it's the date I met my husband, the date I graduated from high school and my son graduated from college, and the date my grandson was born. These are just three of a long list of special events that fell on the 13th of a month.

That feels magical to me. It makes me look forward to the 13th of each month, and to seeing the number 13 show up in my life in all sorts of great ways.

And, while I enjoy those mysterious and delightful coincidences, I believe feeling lucky is most often a byproduct of what we do and how we approach our lives and the world.

Many of the people we see as having great luck have set the stage for wonderful outcomes, that appear to simply be a matter of good fortune.

You can actually increase your luck. Here’s how.

Some of us are certainly born into more privilege than others, and I believe that such good fortune is not to be minimized. And, I also believe that all of us have opportunities to create more luck in our lives.

Consider these 10 ways to cultivate good luck:

1. Your mindset can set the stage for good fortune

A positive mindset looks like this:

  • You believe in yourself and your agency in the world.

  • You are in a frame of mind to say “yes” when great opportunities present themselves.

  • You minimize worry. Being more positive helps you steer clear of having your attention consumed by negativity, and thus you are less likely to miss good opportunities.

  • You keep an open frame of mind, which allows you to try new things and have new experiences.

  • You have positive expectations. (What you look for is what you find!)

  • You don’t compare yourself to others.

  • (Check out more about how to be a positive thinker.)

2. Get clear

Focus on clarity — about what you want in your work and your personal life, your vision for the future, the impact you want to have, and more. Clarity allows you to stay sharply focused, and also helps you to be alert to opportunities.

3. Be observant

When you start with having an open frame of mind and are clear about what you want, add being alert and observant of everything around you. You are bound to spot more opportunities.

4. Take action

Being in action can look like this:

  • Put yourself in great places, and tune in to what’s going on around you.

  • Experiment with lots of approaches, try new things, and be open to what you discover. (If you tend to overanalyze, and can suppress the impulse to do so, it will be easier for you to experiment and reap the benefits.)

  • Meet lots of people.

  • Explore beyond your usual routines or areas of interest — you might even get curious about something you are sure you will not like. Try reading and learning about new things, as well as experiencing new things.

  • Tell others what you want (after you have clarity), and people will be likely to share introductions and opportunities for you.

  • Say “yes” to opportunities as they show up, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

5. Ask!

  • Ask for what you want.

  • Ask for support and help.

  • Don’t be shy! For example, propose a topic to speak about in front of a great audience, rather than waiting for someone to approach you.

6. Stay grateful

Pay attention to all the good things that happen — even very small things — and express gratitude for them. Not only will you realize your are luckier than you may have thought, gratitude is a powerful force that can lead to more goodness in your life.

  • Start a daily gratitude practice.

  • Express gratitude to others.

  • Check out this post on gratitude to learn more about this subject, or read the chapter on gratitude in my book for many ways to cultivate gratitude.

7. Be generous

Generosity is powerful. (You might check out this article I wrote on the subject, and how it helps you live big.)

  • Look for ways to treat others as you want to be treated.

  • Help other people — when they ask, or when you realize you can provide a good introduction or suggest a helpful resource.

  • Be a good friend.

  • Volunteer in ways that have meaning for you.

8. Surprise yourself

Intentionally surprise yourself!

  • Create in new ways!

  • Change up your routines.

  • Get lost on purpose and see what you discover.

  • Talk to new people.

All of these will light you up and connect you to your intuition, prompting new ways of thinking and positive energy. That energy can be channeled into many of the suggestions noted above.

9. Smile and be sociable

  • Put a genuine smile on your face and people will be attracted to you.

  • Put yourself into social settings. This will provide you with more interactions.

  • Focus on maintaining good relationships.

  • Cultivate a relaxed, positive attitude.

10. Pick one new practice to start using today

Bringing even one new approach on this list into your life will enhance your luck. Start with what calls out to you, and add more ideas and approaches as you wish.

Let’s usher in a luckier 2022

As we look ahead to the new year, your new awareness and the actions you choose to take will set the stage for more good luck and greater satisfaction in 2022.

Imagine if we all bring that energy into our lives! The power of all of that collective action can be remarkable.

And, if you are interested in having support to make significant changes more quickly and with greater ease, my Live Big Live! program may be perfect for you now. The Winter program is about to get underway, and there is still time to join us. (Only a few spots are still available.)

I invite you to set up a Live Big Breakthrough Call with me soon, to see if we both think this is a good fit. There’s no cost or obligation for us to talk. Here's the link to schedule time with me.

Stay safe and well, and keep creating.