Have you chosen a word to inspire and guide your year?


If you’ve been reading my Big Ideas in January’s past, you may recall that I choose a Word of the Year as I step into each new year. Choosing a guiding word, that can be a theme for you, can inspire you, and can serve as a filter for everything you chose in your life, is a remarkable tool. 

One of the reasons I love this practice at the start of the year is that it requires me to slow down and think clearly about the year I want to create. I think about who I need to be to do that. I consider the key word that will support me over the coming 12 months.

The seemingly simple idea of choosing a guiding word has had a tremendous impact for me in each of the years I have used the practice.

That's why I urge my coaching clients to choose a word for themselves each January. And, at my January IgNight Creative Evening this week, each of the women who join me will create a collage focused on the Word of the Year they’ve each chosen. The gorgeous pieces they have created in the past have anchored them to their word and have inspired and delighted them throughout the year. I can’t wait to see what they each choose, and what they each create, this year.

Are you ready to choose your word for 2020?

If this is a new idea for you, or if you want a reminder about my process for choosing your word, check out this blog post where I walk you through my steps for choosing your Word of the Year.

And, last year I wrote another post that expands on what it means to stay true to your intentions as you choose your word. Read it here.

What comes next?

I am a big believer in the power of visual reminders, and the inspiration that follows. Even if you choose a word with care, day-to-day life gets busy and it’s likely that your word, and all it represents, will slip from your mind.

Open a file and type your word in large bold letters. You may want to add some additional points underneath, about the ways you want your word to apply to your life. (I included examples about that for the words I chose in the blog posts linked above.) 

Print out your page and post it where you will see it each day. I have mine on the pinboard in my office. Each time I see it I listen to what my word is calling me to do. I ask myself if the choices I am making are aligned with the spirit of my word. This is how a Word of the Year can make a real impact in your life.

As you will see in last year’s post, my word for 2019 was Depth. It guided me, inspired me, and called on me to approach my life and work in profound ways.

In the years when I chose Savor, and Lead, those words were important to how I lived and what I became over those 12 month periods.

What's your word for 2020?

Are you ready to step into what your word is calling you to do?

It may be a step outside of your comfort zone — and if so, that’s ok! Commit to taking small steps that align with your guiding word. And acknowledge yourself for every action that is congruent.

My word for 2020? Powerful
I intend to be: 
a powerful agent of growth
a powerful presence
a powerful voice that inspires
a powerful teacher and coach
a powerful voice for justice
and a powerful artist. 

With my book, Live Big, soon to launch on Amazon, my word is already fueling me in exciting ways.

Let’s all make 2020 a year of commitment to ourselves. Here’s to you choosing a word that will support and guide you to live your best year ever.

Leave a comment to share the word you choose. And reach out to let me know the ways it impacts you as the months roll along!