What do you yearn to bring into your life, or into the world?


If you have been following the flurry of activity surrounding the launch of my new book, Live Big: A Manifesto for a Creative Life, you are aware of what a big effort has gone into the project.

The journey from first starting to write the book, to having it designed, to sending it off to be printed, to holding my first advance copy, and to the livestream launch party on Thursday evening last week, has called for a lot of commitment over more than 4 years. 

Many people have asked me how I did it. The answer is that bringing this book into the world was big and important to me. 

I truly believe in the power of creativity to help us all live our biggest and best lives — and my mission is to start a Creative Movement! 

I did not have that huge vision when I first started to write the book, but in time I realized that through the book I could spread the word about the ways we can all learn to live ever-expanding, big authentic lives. And I wanted the news to reach and impact people far and wide. 


Because every day I see the way that embracing and living all of your greatness ripples out to make families better, workplaces better, communities better, and ultimately — especially if enough of us bring this work into our lives — to make the world better.

Yes, that's a BIG idea! I truly believe it is possible. And while I could say to myself that the book is now available, so I’ve done it all, I am committed to continuing to build the movement.

Is there something in your life that you feel is important to pursue? 

Is it something you believe can make a difference? 
Is it something worth sticking with rather than allowing it to peter out?
Things that often stop people who have an idea, include:

  • Fatigue

  • A busy life

  • A lack of believing in your ability to do it — whether that’s because the idea is so big, or because it feels too hard to make it real 

  • Feeling it's not really important enough, or it’s too small, and thus not worth the commitment and effort. 

If any of that resonates for you, I urge you to take a closer look. Reconsider. Because when something lights up your heart — even if it starts with a just small flicker — it's worth paying attention.

Your focus may touch only you or a small number of people. Maybe you want to mend a family rift. Maybe you want to make a change that will impact your neighbors or the local school. Maybe you want to start a creative practice of some kind, for your own personal satisfaction.

These, as well as big audacious ambitions, are all important! 

I urge you to start.

Dream. Explore. Test. Let it evolve and change if it needs to. 

And if you feel it's on track, stick with it! Even when life interferes and there are interruptions (as there always will be), keep the flame alive and let it grow!

Because even things we see as having a small impact will have a ripple effect. And ripples can go wide — so wide that we often do not ever know all the ways those ripples move into the world.

Thank you for bringing your gifts, and ideas, and dreams into the world. We need all of that genius and goodness! 

And, if I can help, let’s talk. I could not have brought my vision to fruition without support. I would be honored to help you.