The power of generosity

Last week I decided to show up for 3 full days to support my amazing coach in a retreat she ran. Choosing to devote a full Thursday, Friday and Saturday — half of my weekend! — was a decision that I did not make lightly.

And I am so glad I said, “Yes!” 

I was able to coach and support a remarkable group of people who are aiming and planning to bring important, meaningful, life-changing work into the world. I was inspired by what they are up to, and gratified to help them think deeply and think bigger about what that can look like for each of them.

I also received!

I soaked in inspiration and ideas and motivation for what I am planning in my work and life in 2024. One huge “aha” landed for me that I might never have had had I not been engaged in this rich environment. (More on this in a future post.)

I was blown away by the way that showing up to serve with a full heart brought me so many rewards.

How can you serve others and grow? 

A huge lesson I’ve learned in the last years is how much I have gained, and we can all gain, when we orient our days to being in service.

There is a clear energy to showing up with the intention to generously serve that is hard to describe — and none-the-less very real and meaningful. 

Let’s look at a couple of examples.

1. Selling

Years back I heard Daniel Pink speak at a conference about his then new book,To Sell is Human. He pointed out that we all sell, and do it all the time. 

Now, many of us feel fearful, uncomfortable, even slimy at the thought of selling. And yet, if you have ideas and services to bring to the world, and believe in the value of those ideas and services, it is important to be able to sell them — for an exchange of money, and/or for your ideas to be adopted — with grace.

When you approach a sales conversation with an orientation that you are serving the person or organization, you begin with a generous heart. You are there to see if what you are offering is something that will benefit the other person. And if it appears to be a fit, you are inviting them to say yes if it feels true for them.

The growth you can experience with this approach is exciting, and will increase as you do it more and more. And the return for you can be terrific.

2. Interpersonal interactions

There is extensive data about how generosity and service brings us more happiness and satisfaction. When we look at the quality of our interactions, in both professional and personal realms, we can see how many opportunities we have to start with an orientation of service and increase both our happiness and that of another.

I am not suggesting that you sacrifice yourself, or feel obliged to over-give.

I invite you to begin with an open mind, curiosity, and genuine concern for the other person, Whether you are in a comfortable or challenging dynamic with someone, this starting point will always benefit both parties.

Based on what you learn after initial inquiry, think about how can you support and serve that person. Are there more questions you can ask to help them gain more clarity? Are there perspectives you can offer them to consider that have not occurred to them? Can you be a focused listener without an agenda?

When you support others this way, great things can happen for you, too.

3. Doing your work

Whether you provide a service, lead a team, own a business, are part of a huge organization, or work in any of a multitude of ways, when you bring a mindset of service to your efforts, you are likely to reap more satisfaction and better outcomes.

Consider what that can look like for you

Where do you see an opportunity to support a big idea, help a person or team when morale is low, lend support in a crisis, or contribute your efforts or ideas to something big and exciting?

Bringing awareness to these opportunities and taking action in the spirit of service can build energy and outcomes that will be satisfying and meaningful all around.

Let’s bring more generosity into the world

I hope you feel inspired by my experience and ideas for bringing an energetic orientation of service and generosity into your life today.

We can each lead the way when we model this orientation. And as we model this way of living big, we inspire others to join us on the path. The potential for this impact to grow exponentially is enormous!