What I learned in a family medical emergency


As much as we make plans and think we have everything carefully mapped out, life has a way of throwing us curveballs.

I was excited to anticipate a trip to visit my father for the holiday weekend. We had not seen him since Thanksgiving, and now that the entire family is fully vaccinated I envisioned a nice drive to Philadelphia on Friday, where we’d spend a few days enjoying relaxed conversations over delicious meals, take short excursions to lovely places, and I would have ample time to reconnect with my father and sisters.

What happened instead is that on Wednesday my father was rushed to an emergency room with frightening symptoms. We left for Philadelphia early Thursday morning and spent the next 5 days with him in the hospital.

A robust 95-year-old, my dad is amazing. I am glad to say that he has pulled through a complex set of events, and should be able to return home soon.

While it was a far cry from the visit we planned, I am deeply grateful for the wonderful care my father received, and that we were able to be with him and my sisters.

I am enormously grateful that with COVID vaccination rates high, restrictions at the hospital were partially lifted, so we could be with him and confer directly with his doctors and nurses. And there was far less worry about exposure than there would have been even a few weeks back.

And I am grateful for all the ways my family pulled together to look after him.

Sometimes we get unexpected reminders of important life lessons

When everything goes according to plan, it’s easy to take a lot for granted. I appreciate that some important insights I’ve integrated in my life in the past few years came into even clearer focus this week.

These are at the top of my list:

No matter how carefully I plan (and I plan a lot!), remaining flexible is a must. I was able to do that this week.

• No matter what happens, staying present and responding with a clear head is crucial. Happily, I was able to do that, too.

Help is always available, and reaching out for help is always a good idea. I reached out for and received so much meaningful help that supported me this week, both emotionally and practically.

It’s possible to stay positive in the face of uncertainty. That outlook helped me to be resilient.

Frightening emotions don’t have to derail me. I can feel them, work through them, stay present and persevere.

Self-care helps enormously when life gets challenging. Good nutrition, staying in a comfortable hotel, and getting ample sleep made each day easier.

Love is powerful, and the best medicine.

What do you need to do to be ready for the unexpected?

If life throws you a curveball out of the blue, how do you think you will be able to respond?

I know that my journey of personal development over the last decade, that led me to becoming a coach, bolstered my internal resources immeasurably. I was able to cope and move through the stresses of this week in ways that would have been much harder for me years back.

If you want guidance about how to build a solid foundation for your best life, email me and we can make a date to talk about what’s in the way for you now, and what’s possible, too. Or you can schedule a Live Big Breakthrough Call with me directly — click here to find a spot on my calendar.

Stay safe and well, and keep creating.

How will you step into the future now?


What a moment this is.

Seeing spring in bloom feels sweeter than ever after the year we have lived through.

It is remarkable that so many of us have been vaccinated!

We are looking forward with anticipation to being more connected in the world — and to a new season of personal growth and change.

And at the same time there are still many concerns swirling, about reaching herd immunity, new virus variants, and knowing how many people are in peril around the world.

This is not over.

How will we be affected?

It is clear that what lies ahead will not be the same for any of us as in the “before times,” and so we face uncertainty.

We are all changed

Whatever your experiences have been in the last 13 months — it may have been intense and difficult, or things may have gone well for you in the midst of the pandemic — the extraordinary global event has had an impact. And it will continue to impact all of us.

The affect of having lived through this time is worth reflecting on.

Maybe you think differently today about the relationships in your life, or the work you do, or what really matters to you, or what you value that you used to take for granted.

I realize it can feel daunting, but carving out time for thoughtful reflection to gain clarity will help you to move forward with intention.

Why not do some writing to explore all that you have experienced, or spend time with someone close to you and talk about the the observations you’ve both made?

Think about big themes, and also small things. All of it is important, and all of it will create a sort of tapestry of insight, about what really counts for you now.

Where are you headed?

Having gained insight and perspective, you can think about what you want to create in your life now. Spring is the perfect time for new initiatives.

And yet, this is not the time to rush. Go forward gently. Take your time, because things around us are still evolving.

The key is to set a direction that is right for you.
And from there get into motion.

If you have a new focus on the importance of self-care for your well-being — perhaps exercise, a healthier diet, spending time in nature — how will you make that a non-negotiable part of your routine?

– Get specific about what, when and how you will pursue it.

If you have had a wake-up call to focus on work that really excites you, how can you start down that path and build momentum?

– What first step can you take today? What can you research or learn? Who can you reach out to for information, or advice, or to invite collaboration?

If now is the time to make progress on something that you have been timid about starting, or procrastinated about dealing with, what small step can you take today to get started? And what next step will you take tomorrow?

– Who can help you (a coach? an accountability partner?) so you stay on track?

If you are ready to expand, to reach higher or go bigger — in the work you do, a passion you want to pursue, an initiative you yearn to launch, a relationship you want to go after, a geographic relocation — consider who you need to be to get that started. Bold? Creative? Confident? How can you build those qualities?

– Be sure to think big! Ask yourself how big the idea can be, and envision that outcome. Get the support you need and begin to take action.

Stay open-minded and flexible

As you begin to move into what is next for you, move ahead thoughtfully. Be prepared to make modifications as conditions around you evolve, and as your insights and experiences inform your thinking.

After all, that is the essence of creativity.

You are a creator when you stay open and curious.

You are a creator when you allow yourself to keep generating new ideas and you test them without fear.

You are a creator when you listen to, and trust, your intuition.

When you are a creator the possibilities are unlimited.

Stay safe and well, and keep creating.

(And if you want to talk about your ambitions for the future and learn how I may be able to help you create the future you dare to dream of, let’s hop on a call. Click here to find a spot on my calendar.)